Family Promise of Greater Savannah

P.O. Box 22023 Savannah, GA 31403
3621-3699 Montgomery Street Savannah Georgia 31405 US

The Family Promise of Greater Savannah was developed to alleviate homelessness among families with children by providing emergency shelter, meals, and comprenhensive support. To assist in this effort, Family Promise utilizes a network of local “Host Congregations of all faiths where clients (referred to as our guests) spend each evening, have dinner, and network with volunteers who are motivated to help them achieve their goals.

Family Promise is the only full service emergency shelter program in the city that provides “Day to Day” shelter. The Day Center is the main hub of the organization’s network. There, guests are able to shower, attend to laundry needs, care for their children, and meet regularly with a case manager to chart their progress and navigate through any systemic barriers that may have caused their homelessness. Family Promise is one of the few emergency shelters in the area that may house families and may allow for all members of the family to reside together while working on their sufficiency plan. Family Promise guests are linked to available resources within the Chatham County-Savannah Continuum of Care for the Homeless designed to help low-income families achieve lasting independence.